Wednesday, May 4, 2011

daily observation: 004

This has been a long week and it turns out it’s only Wednesday.  I will be attending tonights Mariners game with Jaime and our friends Katie and Ryan.  Subsequently I have not had an opportunity to write up a new post, so instead I give you; Daily observation: 004.
Over the weekend I visited what might just be one of my favorite stores in the world, Archie McPhees.  It’s your typical Joke shop with rubber chickens, discontinued toys, and enough tiny plastic people and animals to replace all your real friends.
I could spend thousands of dollars there but because I don’t have room or a need for an actual stoplight or a giant plush mounted horse head, I instead bought a hand full of tiny red eyed bunnies and two businessmen.  I also bought some post cards... here are two of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. Heh heh heh
    Those postcards just made my morning, fo' reals.
